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VMs: O, 0, and Pavlov's Dog...
Hi everyone,
A cautionary tale for you all. :-o
Once upon a time, I prototyped a computer game whose main character was
Pavlov's dog, trying to escape from his laboratory by using his copious
drool to spit in the eyes of the chasing lab-techs. However, because it
amused me but nobody else, I never released it. :-)
However, I did use it as an excuse to read up on Doctor Pavlov, who
performed many other experiments (far more interesting than just
bell-and-drool), one of which is perhaps more applicable to the VMs than
you might think. There, he trained (IIRC) a dog to associate circles with
food, and ellipses with electric shocks - but the twist in that tale was
that Pavlov then made the ellipses progressively more and more like
circles, to see how the dog reacted. In fact, to Pavlov's surprise, the
poor dog had a nervous breakdown. :-(
So: when staring at a VMs page late at night, trying to distinguish <o>s
from <a>s, or (in GC's case) <round o>s from <two-stroke o>s, remember -
that way madness lies! :-0
Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....
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