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Re: VMs: Similar Plant VMS and The Herbal of Dioscorides Pedanius

--- Koontz John E <John.Koontz@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> It kind of reminds me of something,
> too, though I'm not sure what.  A large allium?  But
> not the leaves.  A large fritillary?
> Anyway, I suppose you want a plant that has the
> association of involving
> an underground being, e.g., a mandrake, 
> [...]
> A mandrake would be labeled, one would assume,
> mandragora or something like that.

That's what it seems to say in Greek (left and 
right of the stem).

Note that this herbal, according to the description,
is from the 15th C, but written on paper.

Cheers, Rene

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