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Re: VMs: Re: How to write <ch> and <sh>...?

--- GC <gc-@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I'm no EVA officionado, but I'd say that when you
> ask how to write <ch> or
> <sh> in EVA, you've answered your own question. 

Interestingly, Currier makes some strong statements
on this, and I wonder how much they can be 
supported throughout the MS. Nick's impression
seems to be different.

> Perhaps you might get a
> wild hair and write <Ch> or <Sh>? you should also be
> able to write <ch> as
> <Eh>, and hopefully the reverse is true, <ch> as
> <cE>.

As an Eva non-afficionado you're excused for not
being fully aware of the rules here :-)

> As far as the <sh>,
> you can play around with the EVA letter combinations
> all you want, and not
> be able to represent 1/4 of the glyphs generically
> recorded as <sh>, so why try?

Eva, like Currier, does not recognise
the difference between the various shapes of the
plumes, but should a reliable identification
plus transcription using it exist, it could easily
be incorporated. (It is tentatively foreseen
through the use of the same mechanism as in

In a meeting where we were looking at very
detailed colour slides, some years ago in the
UK, it was observed that in a particular case
of <sh> the plume was written before the <ch>.
This was from the darkness of the ink. Now, I
am ready to believe that what we did see then is
what is now considered the work of the 'retoucher'
(whoever he was and whenever he did it).

Note that Georg Baresch writes the characters
'ch' rather similar to the Eva <sh>. This is 
probably not an uncommon way for Germanic scripts
at the time. 
Obviously, this means that he writes it in the
order: c -> 'plume' -> rest of h.

Cheers, Rene

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