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Re: VMs: Re: Re: Inks and retouching

Boy do I ever feel weird supporting GC vs Nick!  Not my usual

I do think that parts of GC's "blue text" is sort of readable.  But
then I think that there is something to the numbers discussion too, so
my eyes may be wired to find text everywhere....

What I do like is that a small focus has gone back to the pictures.  It
seems that there was a long era of text statistics/glyph
identification/quill stroke analysis etc and the pictures have fallen a
bit by the wayside.  Yeah, the pictures won't solve the text by
themselves, but I am guessing the text won't solve itself either.  The
context of the pictures is going to help.  There are a lot of odd things
out there in dem der pictures too.  Hidden writing, odd shapes, crosses,
circles, etc.  what do they all say about the Voy?

Like a charms blowpop: "the world may never know"

Larry Roux
Syracuse University

>>> nickpelling@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8/4/2004 9:33:50 AM >>>
Hi GC,

At 06:10 04/08/2004 -0600, GC wrote:
>You upstaged me!  I was holding back the fact that the "text" was in
>proportionate size to the rest of the text until Nick fell into my

AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah........ <*THUD*>

>Well anyway, you're right on all counts.  It doesn't have the brown
>background of other text, but there is something faint underneath -
>know what it is, maybe a scrape-off.  It is text however.  Nick, how
do you
>spell 'phhhhht' in English?

Ermm... in my intervening reply I said that whether it was a scrape-off
not, it wasn't written in faint brown (as you first claimed) - and that

even though I had been looking at the same area, I couldn't
anything like the claimed text out from it. So, yes: it ~may~ be 
scraped-off text, but I don't think that (being honest) you can
"read" it any better than I can. :-/

Cheers, .....Nick Pelling..... 

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