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RE: VMs: A cryptological assault on Strong's decryption...
Hi everyone,
At 08:56 15/08/2004 -0400, John Grove wrote:
Trying to understand the reason why Strong, Glen, and
Raymen are(were) so
tied up in the same general theory is reason enough to try and figure out
what the major points should be that we are all apparently blind to. I still
can't see any real ground for saying a solution is in sight either, but am
willing to keep listening to the explanations of why I'm missing the
point(s). I agree it really is up to Glen to produce enough solid evidence
that he has a solution - but I think he might be willing to admit that he
hasn't quite got a 'solution' yet; just a process that appears to show some
interesting output based upon a given theory.
Superficially, it does seem as thoug Strong, Rayman & GC have all fallen
for the same "enchantment" (pace the historian Gerald Holton's "Ionian
Enchantment", the seductive idea that all knowledge can be explained in
terms of science).
But perhaps there is something there: for example, I've looked at a number
of pages (based on GC's latest description) and can indeed see something
that conjures up a "feeling of 12" - where groups of 12 glyphs seem
connected in some way.
However, I'm also acutely aware that this "feeling" might simply be an
artefact of the kind of binomial-like word-length distribution we see
throughout the VMs - ie, 12 = 3+3+3+3, 4+4+4, 3+4+5, 3+3+6, 5+5+2, etc -
rather than a cyclic key-length.
So: as I currently see it, there is almost certainly an "enchantment of 16"
happening on a number of VMs pages, but I'm really unsure as to what is
causing that enchantment. With luck we'll be able to work it out...
Finally: I've gone through Strong's work-sheets again, and (IMO) they make
for depressing reading. Regardless of the [in]correctness of his
methodology, when I see words like "germs" in a supposedly 16th century
context (never mind "paprika"), I find it easiest to believe that it's a
20th century mind projecting backwards onto a tabula rasa. Yet Strong may
still have been driven to his false solution by a real artefact - it's hard
to be sure.
Cheers, ....Nick Pelling....
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