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VMs: Re: VMs-like astrological shorthand marginalia...?

Hi Nick,

I don't remember seeing such symbols before.

Three things come to mind:
1) the woodcut per se only consists of the black
   lines. Sometimes they are coloured, sometimes not.
   The symbols are not part of the woodcut, but
   part of the colouring (done at the same time,
   or before of after :-) ).
2) Standard symbols for Jupiter and Saturn are
   based on the numbers 4 and 5, and these things
   do as well, only they seem to be upside down
   and swapped (sign near the wrong guy).
3) Is astrological shorthand a term you coined?
   If so (my suspicion :-)), you might want to
   explain what you mean by it...

Cheers, Rene

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