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RE: VMs: Proving Gibberish

Zitat von Marke Fincher <markefincher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> ...
> If the grille WAS moved randomly over the table I don't think it would
> produce
> the number of exact word repetitions we see.  If the process that generates
> one word is identical but independent to the generation of neighbouring
> words
> the expected proportion of doubled words would be 1/(p*p) and tripled words
> 1/(p*p*p) (given the chance 1/p of generating a particular word).

Uhm... I disagree. If you've got a vocabulary of p words (all of equal 
frequency), then the probability for any particular word to show up in a given 
spot is 1/p, and thus the probability for any sport to be occupied by the same 
word as the previous spot is 1/p as well.

Uneven frequencies would certainly shift this value. (Off the top of my head 
I'd assume it'd raise the probability for word doublets, but I'm not sure about 

But of course this is somewhat moot, because AIUI Rugg never claimed to have 
completely random tables/grilles, but rather modified them to fit VM 



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