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VMs: evidence that words are not independent of each other.

For further evidence of neighbouring word dependence, consider the 
following word pairs which occur much more frequently in the 
forwards direction than in the reverse:
(ar,aiin) f=22 r=3
(ar,al) f=24 r=7
(chol,daiin) f=34 r=7
(ol,chedy) f=21 r=4
(ol,shedy) f=21 r=7
(or,aiin) f=52 r=6
(s,aiin) f=29 r=3
(shedy,qokedy) f=21 r=9

...and the following pairs which occur at least 5 times in the forward
direction but never exist in the reverse:

(aiin,am) f=5 r=0
(aiin,okal) f=8 r=0
(aiin,okeey) f=5 r=0
(aiin,otaiin) f=6 r=0
(al,chedy) f=6 r=0
(ar,aiiin) f=6 r=0 
(chckhy,qokal) f=5 r=0
(cheey,qokeey) f=5 r=0
(chey,keey) f=5 r=0
(chol,chy) f=6 r=0
(chol,dam) f=5 r=0
(chol,dol) f=5 r=0
(chy,kchy) f=6 r=0
(d,r) f=6 r=0
(daiin,okar) f=5 r=0
(daiin,sheody) f=5 r=0
(daiin,sho) f=6 r=0
(dy,qokal) f=5 r=0
(lor,aiin) f=6 r=0
(okaiin,otaiin) f=6 r=0
(okar,ol) f=6 r=0
(ol,chdy) f=5 r=0
(ol,cheedy) f=6 r=0
(ol,olaiin) f=5 r=0
(or,aiiin) f=8 r=0
(or,shedy) f=8 r=0
(otar,ol) f=6 r=0
(otol,chol) f=7 r=0
(qokaiin,chol) f=5 r=0
(qokaiin,okal) f=5 r=0
(qokar,ar) f=5 r=0 
(qokeedy,qokaiin) f=5 r=0
(qokeedy,qokal) f=6 r=0
(qokeedy,qokar) f=7 r=0 
(r,y) f=5 r=0
(s,air) f=6 r=0
(s,or) f=5 r=0
(sar,al) f=6 r=0
(shedy,chey) f=5 r=0
(shedy,qokey) f=6 r=0 
(sheedy,qokeedy) f=9 r=0 
(tar,ar) f=5 r=0

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