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VMs: A tool for transcription analysis

Dear all,

Being somewhat unstatsfied with the recent discussion about advantages and disadvantages of EVA, I've written a tool which allows you to interactively change the transcription of your files, _and_ instantly perform a frequency analysis against a variety of natural languages.

The assumption is that perhaps after all the VM is simply a substitution cipher, but our transcriptions got it all wrong.

If you're interested:


It's only some 170kB, and it even comes with a nice piece of documentation.

Have fun,


Elmar Vogt / Königswarterstr. 18 / 90762 Fürth / GERMANY
elvogt@xxxxxxxxxxx / Tel.: (++49/0)911 - 31 52 58
Agilmar v. Sevelingen: AGE PERDITUS, FAC ME DIES (Haroldus Sordidus)

"It is through the truthful exercising of the best of human qualities -
respect for others, honesty about ourselves, faith in our ideals - that
we come to life in God's eyes." (Bruce Springsteen, "Vote for Change")

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