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Re: VMs: postmodern cryptography: Foucault, Panopticon, and Voynich MS

7/10/2004 9:18:27 AM, Ronald Lorenzo <rlorenzomba@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Scientific American having already run a feature on 
the Voynich, you don't stand much of a chance there.

Submit it instead to "Social Text". But they have been
badly burnt once. If they turn you down, try Nature.

In the meantime, can we have more of that entertaining
stuff, please?

Oh, have you tried peddling it to Julia Kristeva? All those
naked nymphs are likely to set her loose on the postmodernist
feminist track.

Isn't that a great suggestion?

Et à qui c'est-y qu'il dit merci le petit bonhomme?

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