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Re: VMs: VMS: Gobbledigook Wanted

In message <B26B1A7D874F314B902E12CB0A5562D7044DF0@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
Robert Hicks <RHicks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes
>As part of an ongoing investigation of gobbledigook and glossalalia (WRT the 
>VMS), I am in need of samples of such matter.  I have elicited some 100 samples 
>from the staff and children in the school in which I teach, but would like some 
>material from people with linguistic/crypto bents.
>Would any readers who care to help please post a continuation of the paragraph 
>below.  Please make no attempt to analyse the paragraph statistically - simply 
>use common sense and intuition to extrapolate in the same style.  You should be 
>aiming to make, on the fly, something that resembles natural language (whilst 
>remaining totally meaningless).  Do not make your own sample any longer than 30 
>words or so, and spend no more than 3 minutes on the exercise (a longer period 
>implies too much thought!).
>Posts can be made by copying replies to this and adding new material - add your 
>name and number of your reply.  I will call the sampling closed after about a 
>month, and, of course, keep people informed of any interesting results.
>Thanks for your time.
>Rob Hicks
>(Rob Hicks - 1) Mara hedrini mia framos yi petranti sior.  Predas vamensia oriar 
>es loda. Orianse iado calemni podias. A quemendo loso tos ramanda serio.  Frama 
>yi vamensi es velo loda mi grada.
(ajb - 2) Hambala la malani yi fambula, malaranse iamala polor.
Palarendo alinsi ma falaras. Frama yi pansei alsa qualanda tes tinis
bilando. Alara salariense calanda tolo adre aladra.


Docteur Fausse-terre
Huée ne tout glossateur
(Enna, Chaouïa, Varennes).
Y se tait, petit n'a pas d'elle,
Raille tape, touille smille dol.
"Ah, neveux, houez ne terre Reggane."
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