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Re: VMs: Analysis of f67v2

you wrote

 Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 19:06:31 +0100
 From: Elmar Vogt <elvogt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 Reply-To: vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx
 To: vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx
 Subject: Re: VMs: Analysis of f67v2
 jan wrote:
 > Hello, 
 > SE to SW is
 > only 90  degrees in my book,
 There's not always 180 degrees between sunrise and sundown; it's only 180 
 degs during equinox'. (Which is why it's called "Equinox", btw.) In summer, 
 the arc is longer, in winter it is shorter.
 But sunrise and sundown should always be symmetrical to true South, IMHO.
The ANALEMMA showing the sun's declination for every day of the year, 
(also the equation of time) is the REVERSE (unless you live in the 
Southern Hemisphere) MOST of our ~globe~  TILTS, (including its odd 
~wobbles~), to the NORTHERN POLE... currently!! 
(future pole-reversals excluded:-) 

Pick a spot on the earth and watch a year go by. :-)

ITS CENTER (shaped like a small topped figure 8 is 9 degrees ABOVE 
(northwise) the equator!) Thus, April, May, June, July, August and 1/2 
of March are 'summer'... (include most of September (~~>24-25th) here 
too)) (see next)...
your correct IF you live in the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE as OCTOBER, 
(Include 25 September ONWARD for complete Analemma earth year 
- see LEAP YEAR? etc for difference) 

?meaning only what? WINTER is shorter (IF you live in the southern 
hemisphere), and summer is always longer if you live in the Northern.
(by 9 degrees of our current earth ~wobble~ (sigh!))

btw: the ARCH (your SE to SW) is greater in the Southern Hemisphere... 
--->> but _Wha* the H*ck_ does this do to the VMS? <<---

Ladies & Gentleman of the VMS list, I hereby would like to request 
that many might consider (turing/&/turning) their ~hats~ around.. 
the sky is UP for all to SEE.. the VMS is a story (lesson to be 
learned), and how/why we/it 
became to be!

best to you & yours
steve ((key)=FOLD IT!) ekwall


so what? can our astronomerspeople tell even if its NORTHERN or 
SORTHERN HEMISPHERE (all above EARTH ~wobbles~ included?).. or might 
THEY (the "your STARS" ES/ha.haa) REPRESENT something more ~hidden?~

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