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Re: VMs: Kelley letters/mss etc...?
Hi Nick, Jan and all,
Interesting question indeed. I tried and managed to find something,
although these findings are certainly uncomplete; but hopefully there
are hereafter at least some valuable clues:
Here is an excerpt about alleged manuscripts by Kelley, Kelly,
or Talbot:
"Subject: 1478 Edward Kelly's writings
From: Jon Marshall
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 10:17:18 -0700
Tue Jul 30 09:56:49 1996
Subject: 1479 Edward Kelly's writings
Following up on Jon Marshall's post about Kelly's alchemical writings, I list below the printed book sources for Kelly's works, together with some manuscript sources. [I have not included the many manuscript items in the British Library and the Ashmole collection in Oxford.]
Adam McLean
Manuscript material.
Vienna, Österreichen Nationalbibliothek MS. 11526 [Rec. 327.] [18th Century.]
Item 3. f254-277 [Alchemical operations "traductae in hanc breuitatem per E. K." [Edward Kelly], beginning "Lapis de Mercurio Solis et Lunae..."]
Vienna, Österreichen Nationalbibliothek MS. 11323c [Rec 1786. 9.]
Item 2. f9 Alchemical process of Edward Kelley.
Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek MS. 246.
Item 4. Carmen Edvardi Kelle militis [In English. Edward Kelly.]
Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek MS. 246.
Item 2. Elixir du Mr. Violet [in Latin, from papers of Sr Edward Kelly, 1599.]
Item 3. De scientia occulta [In Italian, from papers of Sir Edward Kelly.]
London, Wellcome Institute MS. 577. [Early 17th Century.]
Item 2. ff14v-22 Kent. [Letter on alchemy in English 'to his frind and Sonne M. William Johnson Dr. of Physick in the Lowe countries... July 14 1596'. This includes a copy of a letter from Edward Kelley.
Royal Coll. of Physicians. MS. AB4/18. [Early decades of 17th century.]
p517-518 'Sir Edward Kelley Knight on the Philosophers Stone written to his especial good frende G.S. Gent.'
[verse in English.]
Dresden MS. N. 36. [18th Century.]
Title] : Figurae hieroglyph. de lap. phil.
"Duo in hoc codice extant manuscripti Primus defectuosus non casu, sed industria, materiam occultandi ergo, Edoardi Kaellei [Kelley] Angli est, qui sub Rudolpho II Romanorum Imperatore carcere detentus, coram Petro Vincio Medico Olmucensi, Crollio, et Domino de Rosenberg longo congressus materiam aperire coactus fuit. Alter Davidis Paiter [Beuther] Philosophi per ignem et aquam Electoris Saxoniae Victima per Hyerogliphica explicatur: ambo rarissimi, ac philosophis tantum digni codices, quatuor Elementorum doctrinam iuxta antiquorum placita in Ternario demonstrantes..."
[Contemporary note on f1, underneath a seal and by another hand "Franceso de Guilianis Primero Interprete di. s!
. M. del
Re di Pologna all Corte Ottomana."]
[With carefully executed painted illustrations.]
Item 1. Theatrum astronomiae terrestris.
Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 236. [17th Century.]
Item 7. f38 Eduardus Kelleus ita fecit."
My first impression is that some probably could be relevant, e.g.
in Copenhagen, London....
Nick Pelling <nickpelling@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Jan,
At 10:50 14/02/2005 -0500, Jan Hurych wrote:
>I will try, but it would be probably easier to find his contract with
>devil :-). Sorry, that was Faust, but do you know Kelley bought the
>house in Prague that is still today called "Faust's house?" Honestly!
>There si no proof Faust was ever even visiting Prague, so who brought
>that story up?
Perhaps all those idle thumbs on the Internet...? :-)
>Probably Kelley himself and imagine what would Gordon Rugg give for this
>info :-).
Didn't he give that already to get into Wired? :-)
Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....
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