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Hello Rene,
Well, fully agree this is probably not a major finding at this stage!
This is a German medieval herbal, nonetheless, and I found it worth
to be shown to the list.
Moreover it's a ( 216 r/v pages...) manuscript; the drawings are a bit naive, as I see them,
and this is something which I think is really VMS like.
Trying to answer your question: My understanding of the PS attached desciption in
German is that the text is Medieval German, with additional comments in Jewish
script, but in German language too, which is another Voynichery, IMHO.
Is that something to be called Yiddish or not, I am still dubious on that point.
I'll dig a little further to settle whether this book and his author could have some
links with the VMS story or not.

Eine bemerkenswerte Fundgrube alten Kräuterwissens: Das Kräuterbuch (oder Kreutterbuch Kräutterbuch Kreuterbuch) des Johannes Hartlieb in einer vollständigen deutschen Abschrift, ergänzt um zahlreiche Kommentare in hebräischer Schrift (aber spätmittelhochdeutscher Sprache!). 216 Blätter recto und verso (entspricht 432 S.) mit unglaublich vielen Abbildungen und Texten, die das heilkundliche Wissen des Mittalalters dokumentieren. Alles in einer unglaublich hohen Qualität als hochwertige Reproduktion im Format 31 x 22 cm, auf sehr festem, wie handgeschöpft wirkendem Papier. Der Feste Einband gibt die ursprüngliche Bindung wieder und sogar die Messingbeschläge wurden genau dokumentiert. Einband mit kaum sichtbarer Druckstelle am unteren Rücken.


Rene Zandbergen <r_zandbergen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

--- jean-yves artero wrote:

> Hi,
> Here is a more or less V like German MS ca 1470. It
> s an herbal, medicinal it seems.Author could be
> Johannes Hartlieb.

Hello Jean-Yves,

it depends what one would call VMs-like.
Since the VMs herbal pages appear to be
modelled in the style of 'standard' medieval
manuscript herbals, many of them will appear
VMs-like, especially to one who is more familiar
with the VMs than with ME herbals.

Germanic text in the Hebrew script would be
Yiddish, wouldn't it?

Cheers, Rene

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