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RE: VMs: Sukhotin Vowel IDs

28/03/2005 2:44:15 PM, "Ben Preece" <ben.preece@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>Thanks, everyone.  I think I understand Sukhotin's algorithm now.  It
>partitions the characters into two groups ("vowels" and "consonants") so
>as to maximize the number of times a character in one group occurs next
>to a character in the other group, or equivalently, to minimize the
>number of times a character appears next to another character in the
>same group.

Yes, that is exactly it.

>This seems to be very nearly the same as the effects of a best-fit
>2-state PFSMs.

I guess F[inite] S[tate] M[achine], but P? P[artitioning]?

>The PFSM partitions the characters into two groups so as
>to optimize the ability to predict the next character based solely on
>which group contains the previous character.

Another way of achieving the same aim, isn't it?

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