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Re: VMs: Brumbaugh

Hi everyone,

At 23:26 28/03/2005 -0700, Dana Scott wrote:
I had a very pleasant telephone conversation with Susan Tsantiris, daughter of Robert Sherrick Brumbaugh, yesterday. Susan lives in Connecticut and her brother, Robert Conrad Brumbaugh, lives in Michigan. I found it interesting that Susan tries not to make the VMs a primary focal point in her current family life, but is eager to share her thoughts on the VMs with Voynicheros. She decided to keep her father's house which still contains a small collection of his documents in the attic. There is apparently not a voluminous amount of information as one might think. Perhaps someday I will have a chance to see the contents of these few items.

Perhaps scanning this collection should be added to the list of physical challenges to try to move us forward. :-)

Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....

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