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Re: VMs: Re: f107 aka "dot bunnies"
Hi Jeff,
I see what you said regarding f3r. I'm not so sure about
substituting f-k and p-t, though. They do seem to a have some specific
significance when at the beginning of the paragraph, whatever that
would be.
I was also thinking, why bother adding annotations (there are more of
them) to a meaningless text !?
I'll come with another example tomorrow.
> Yes and a similar thing can be seen on page f3r. Note also that an f
> gallows is just a k gallows with the leg bent up so these are probably
> exactly the same word. On f3r it is alternating t and p gallows and
> again p is simply t with the right leg bent back. Interesting isn't it?
> Jeff Haley
> > Has anyone noticed the following thing ?
> > On f107r one of the paragraphs(11) has a star with 3 dots on the left
> side.
> > On f107v there is a paragraph(1) with a star which has 3 dots on the left
> > side and 3 on the right side. What it is interesting is that the first and
> last
> > words of each paragraph are somehow similar: faisar...alkain and
> > kaisor...alkaiin.
> >
> > Could someone care to share her/his thoughts on this ?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Florin
> >
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