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VMs: dating the VMS

I was thinking of an way to date the ms. Roughly the history of numerals 
could be broken in the following periods:

1. ... Roman numerals (XIVL)
2. Roman numerals (XIVL) and/or Old-Style Arabic numerals (23l5...7^9)(Trans)
3. Old-Style Arabic numerals
4. Old-Style Arabic numerals and/or New-Style Arabic numerals (2345...789) (Trans)
5. New-Style Arabic numerals ...

- 2. and 3. are transition periods.
- Old-Style l(lambda look a like)=4 and ^=8
- New-Style is modern,current style

Based on the facts that on one of pages numbers 12345 are written in the 
new-style and page numbering is done on the old-style, it looks like the 
ms was written in period 4. 
Now, by any chance, has anyone did some research in the history of numbers so 
we can delimitate the periods ?


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