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Re: VMs: I was expecting comments to what these Germans did

The Papke/Weydemann theory, if I got it right, is based on pictographic cyphers then?
 I am (obviously) not a linguist. But I find the hypothesis quite interesting that ciphers  seem to change by combination of such by concurring development of the manuscript (contents)... provided there is a correlation between all parts... This has (would have) a beautiful, simple, logic.

Nick Pelling <nickpelling@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Jona,

At 17:25 02/06/2005 -0700, Jona B Stulz wrote:
>I checked it out (honestly, I didn't kno how to navigate through the
>topics)...you guys don't seem to be very impressed...mildely spoken.
>I was thinking about signing up. I am not a voynichologist - I am just
>interested in the contents.
>Is there any other 'translation' attempt out there that would be worth
>checking out without having to pay anything for it?

Without getting horribly technical, Voynichese superficially looks like it
is a simplified language written in a simple substitution cipher, but one
which reads like "baby-talk" - and this is why most attempted
"translations" of the VMs read like baby-talk too.

FWIW, if the VMs is based on some kind of cipher-system, it is most likely
a devious one carefully designed to look *as though i! t is a simple cipher*
(but without actually being simple).

Cheers, ....Nick Pelling....

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