Folio start gallows

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Folio start gallows

Post by Bunny »

Considering almost all folios start with 1 of 4 gallows with the occasional o thrown in front how is that explainable in terms of natural language? Do any manuscripts or books start with only a choice of 4 letters? If not alphabet letters could they show which "code subset" to refer to. Could it be a 4 subset rotating code or even 4 completely different codes used?


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Re: Folio start gallows

Post by mark097 »

The only thing I can think of is a short hand for a formulaic start of a paragraph or sentence. Like Ovid's" Praebeurat dictis,". "Such things having been said" but at the same time it probably doubles as a letter maybe "P"?

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Re: Folio start gallows

Post by mark097 »

One other idea might beif you had this start;

foreoiy qokeey

maybe double letters can be switched on and off;;

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol La, Ti Qu.

fore si quo qui ?

oteieo daiio eety ykees he cg

otio Deo est ti exigi

Of course hopefully you know Latin better than me!

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