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Another language candidate for the VMS

I have come across some strange languages, and still,
this one surprised me. It is called "Mingo". But
its name cannot be "Mingo", for the simple reason that
it has no m, no ng, no o. Its native name is...
unyääshäo~tká'  by which you may have guessed: yes,
it is an American Indian language.  Now, it has
six vowel:  

a, e, i, u, e~ (nasal e), o~ (nasal o)

and... eight consonants (of two are in
fact semi-vowels). But wait for them:

h, k, n, s, t, w, y, ' 

Look, no m, no p, no b, no f...!
No labials at all (I don't count
the semi-vowel w as a labial).
And by the way, that "sh" in its
name was s+h, as in "grasshopper",
not as in "sip". That is not the
end of it. It has at least three
vowel lengths: short, medium, long.
(I wrote "at least" because its
description is quite obscure. It
might have four).

It has two main "genders": "agent"
and "patient" -- "manufactured" and
"naturally occurring" would have been
better terms. Agent nouns start  with
ka-, patient nouns with u- 

For more, go there:


(Beware: they used eccentric spelling 
conventions, e.g. an umlaut for a short
nasal, circumflex for long nasal, etc.)