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Re: VMs: Time to get hands dirty


>If you don't know what is right, it is ALL speculation.

If you don't know what is right, there still is something

Within the context of what I was talking about, it IS all speculation.

Jacques, with all due respect to what you (and the members of this group) know, you are, in my opinion, missing the point. I am not trying to be antagonistic here. We are dealing with a person. This person is dealing with language. When language is dealt with we have two groups: the users of created language, and the creators of that used language.
The question should be: How do people "think" when creating language / words? First, I would ask what time period are we dealing with? The further back in time we go, the more spatial ideas become. Then we should ask: How "aware" is this person concerning methods of encryption? Has this person considered deeply those methods that have failed? Has this person attempted to route around those failures? If so, what route did this person take? What routes are available? How deeply does this person think? Is this person a borderline nut-job that has JUST ENOUGH SENSE to USE those "odd ideas" that enter his head?

Jacques, I have been sitting here quietly for two years watching what is going on. I have watched the combined talent of all of the members of this group attack this thing with every weapon in their arsenal. Attack after attack has bounced off of it and it remains in one piece. Something is wrong.

I submit, simply, that this manuscript is encoded in a way that you are not familiar with. This is the ONLY reason methods have, to date, failed. When EVA was created, the game was being played by the rules. After playing the game, you all went back to what you knew, instead of continuing to play by those rules.

I understand what John is doing. I COULD duplicate his method. But, it would take a complete study of the language in question and a background study of the information he is tapping. The point is, I see what he is doing. John is within "the realm of the rules." Is he correct? Please, give him a chance to explain what he sees.

I have my beliefs concerning this too. They differ from John's approach and the only change has been that I believe Nick is correct about multiple topics sewn together. I see a very old method of word creation / information hiding, that taps an agglutinative method of word construction. I see, at least in part, a Hebrew sage. If he wrote the oldest part of this, did he have help? Did those that helped him, understanding his method, add other topics, maybe after the sages death? Or, are those "other topics" just gibberish that looks like writing? If other languages are involved, then cracking the method will expose them. If gibberish, it will expose that too.

When I look at the Pisces pic in the Zodiacal section, and I see the word in the center "otolal," in Eva, and I break it down to OT OL AL (an agglutinative structure now disassembled) -- ain tav (because Latin O is derived from Ain) ain lamed (same reason) and aleph lamed, and I get the combined ideas of:
The time / season / appointed time
connected to ideas of: above / on high
connected to idea of God, as El - aleph lamed - NO vowel points

and the center of the destruction has, for thousands of years, been described as a destruction coming from God because of the way people conduct themselves, what am I to think?

This method, like John's, is outside of what you do. This is not a mathematical approach. This is a visual approach. And it conforms to established rules of language never used in this way before.

I submit that the Zodiacal / Astronomical sections of the VMS concern the scientifically verified, anciently verified, coming destruction, that even Fulcanelli was afraid of. Hence, in his work, he stated that the place of refuge must be found. I submit that the writer used in these sections, Hebrew, that tapped Hebrew grammatical rules, as well as Latin equivalents for Hebrew letters. I submit that he sometimes used an agglutinative method to create NEW words, that, in themselves, do not exist. But yet, when broken down to their component parts, will translate according to the subject that Fulcanelli called the Double Destruction, and, has been passed down as the destruction from God / the Eye of God for thousands of years.


It is difficult to have a rehearsed routine fit in with broken rhythm.
Rehearsed routines lack the flexibility to adapt. - - L J Fan

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