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VMs: Word pair key

This is the first line of the first page of the VMS expanded into pair

fa ac ch hy ys    sy yk ka al    la ar    ra at ta ai ii in    ns sh ho ol
ls sh ho or ry    yc ct th h! !r re es    sy    yk ko or    rs sh ho ol ld
dy y!

Notice how the pairs at the beginning and ending of the first four words
(excluding the end of the fourth word and obviously the beginning of the
first word) all mirror each other.  As if it is a key to mark where the
column and row glyphs should be positioned to decypher the text. A neat
method to use and no one would ever guess unless they looked at it this way.
These words might be the key to the whole thing. Does this occur anywhere
else in the VMS?

This means that the first word ends in the same letter that the next word
starts with and so on.


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