Analysis of words and their places within the document

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Analysis of words and their places within the document

Post by AquilaPausaLoquitur »


I hope the attachments is available...
But if not, here is how I came to this [somewhat stange] findings...

Some words (I removed successive duplicate letters and I am using the file LSI_ivtff_0d the interlinear archive of Voynich manuscript transcriptions in eva (IVTFF EVA- 1.5) and the line corresponding to the Takeshi Takahashi's full transcription (those ending with ;H>) are ONLY present in the folios with a zodiac circle on them. They do not occur in any other 'sections' of the VMS.

I decided to group those in diagrams showing common words in zodiac folios and this produced an image of the relationship between zodiac folios. Not being familiar with astrological meaning I thought it might interest someone else on the list. What could be common between Gemini and Virgo but not between Pisces and Virgo ???
a giagram of the relationship of words unique to zodiac folios
a giagram of the relationship of words unique to zodiac folios
Analysis of occurrence of words on filio with zodiac circles_2.jpg (200.05 KiB) Viewed 21690 times
Of course original file and pdf are available to reconstruct the diagram...

Have a super year 2023 everyone ;)

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Re: Analysis of words and their places within the document

Post by AquilaPausaLoquitur »

I forgot to mention that Cancer and Leo (not in the diagram) do NOT share any of their unique distinct words. Those are present ONLY on folios with a zodiac circle.
Leo and Cancer
Leo and Cancer
leo cancer.jpg (96.91 KiB) Viewed 21674 times
It does look like these words correspond to a vocabulary related to zodiac...

enjoy 2023!

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Re: Analysis of words and their places within the document

Post by AquilaPausaLoquitur »

Reading more about zodiac and astrological "science", I added the "ruling planet" for the signs (whatever that means) and there is some sort of correlation between the "vocabulary", the words that are found ONLY on certain zodiac folios when they are grouped together in Zenn diagrams... as ahown here... similarly the other 'standalone' zodiag groups (leo and cancer) are not ruled by planets but by moon and sun which might explain why their vocabulary is not shared by other folios (which are rules by planets)...

see this new pics
words used principally on zodiac folio
words used principally on zodiac folio
Analysis of occurrence of words on filio with zodiac circles - Copy.jpg (164.24 KiB) Viewed 21655 times
Any expert on astrology here ? can you find more similarities ??? and split taurus light and dard and aries dark and light and add aquarius and capricorn ?

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Re: Analysis of words and their places within the document

Post by proto57 »

I find this really interesting, AquilaPausaLoquitur. Of course we don't know what it means, but finding any patterns in the Voynich text is potentially valuable to many investigators, for many possible reasons. IMHO.

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