Here is a master list of links which may be useful and interesting to Voynich researchers. Of course this is by no means close to universal, so please reply with any that you may think should be added to this list, or any comments about them.
General Websites:
Great place to start: The actual manuscript images, prepared and uploaded by the Beinecke Library at Yale, the curators of the manuscript.
One of the most useful Voynich resources is Jason Davies' Voynich Manuscript Voyager. It both allows one to explore the entire manuscript, but also provides links to any image, at any magnification, so that links can be inserted in pages and mails that don't allow attachments. Or, for any other purpose.
Do you want to read the Voynich? Get in line. But this site will allow you to extract transcriptions in various forms. Very useful source for decryption/decoding/reading attempts.
Yes, Wikipedia is what it is, but still may be of use to noobies. I do still check it from time to time.
A vast compilation of Voynich information, practically a book in itself, covering years of research by René Zandbergen and many others. I recommend it, but with my personal disclaimer that much that is stated as known fact may be undetermined, and/or the result of the viewpoints of the author. Nonetheless, if one keeps that in mind, it is certainly the most useful single site for Voynich information.
Philip Neal's excellent site, with a large amount of useful information. Probably the best source of translations of the letters of the Kircher Carteggio, which are claimed to relate to the Voynich manuscript, and also, those associated letters which relate to the proposed early "players".
Jan Hurych's informative site, with much first hand information and analysis. Jan is probably the best source for a critical examination of the claimed "signature" on f1r of the Voynich, with images and analysis. The site is now compiled into the pdf... worth downloading as a reference.
A large repository of varied and insightful Voynich discussions, both original, and gleaned from the Voynich mailing list. Run by Berj Ensanian & Greg Stachoswki.
The home site of the venerable Voynich Net, one will find links to this forum, and also the long running Voynich Mailing List. There is a search feature included at the bottom of the page, which will access List traffic up to 2005, and some later years. ... ynich.html
The current incarnation of my own work.
My good friend Klaus Schmeh has one of the finest cipher sites on the web, and often covers Voynich and related topics. Here is his most recent post on the Voynich, citing it as the top cipher mystery in the world: No argument here.
Nick Pelling's excellent cipher blog, covering the Voynich and just about every cipher story known. It is always entertaining and informative.
Ellie Velinska has what I feel one of the best abilities to find an analyze illustrations comparisons. She has an artist's, and art-historian's, eye. Although she has not added to her blog in a few years, it is worth looking through. I'm sure many will be surprised at the extent of work included here.
Our good, late friend Robert Teague's blog. Many wonderful and unique observations and insights, with a celestial emphasis.
P. Han's unique and detailed theories relating to the Voynich content and illustrations.
Diane O'Donovan's insightful and learned research into the origins and nature of the Voynich. For an outline of her outlook and approach, read her introduction in that section of this forum.
Another recent loss to the Voynich community was the kind Professor Stephen Bax. His blog is being maintained in his honor by his son. Stephen famously claimed to have deciphered several of the Voynich "words". And like all such claims, agree or not, there is possibly some valuable truths contained within the work, and may inspire others to further great insights. ... anuscript/
Gordon Rugg produced the first peer-reviewed Voynich analysis and theory: That the text could have been machine generated, possibly by using a Cardan Grille and lists of word parts. A compelling and controversial, often misunderstood, concept, but one which I personally feel holds some valuable possible explanations for the creation of the Voynich text.
The sometimes unique, always interesting insights of Elmar Vogt.
Rich SantaColoma's (me!) blog which records the path, through many different ideas, to the present one: That this is a circa 1910 Forgery made by, or for, Wilfrid Voynich himself. ... manuscript
Blog of Professor Josef Zlatoděj. Is Voynichese a form of Czech?
Interesting takes on all things Voynich, both in and out of the box. A free thinker, which is what we need here, IMHO.
Julian Bunn's computational attacks on the Voynich.
Koen Gheuen’s "The Voynich Temple". Koen covers a large number of subjects, usually relating to historical art and literary image comparisons.
A popular Voynich forum, begun and maintained by David Jackson.
The Official Forum of the
Admin's Master Voynich Link List
Forum rules
Post your links! They can be to your own sites, or others... anything one has found useful to the investigation.
Post your links! They can be to your own sites, or others... anything one has found useful to the investigation.