writing the text for thirteen years

Topics relating to the Voynich characters, "words", word counts, word structure, sentence structure, etc.
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writing the text for thirteen years

Post by kimdelcastillo »

When I first started writing it out I was very naive to say the least. I have learned much since I began in 2010. I have created more fonts than I care to count to try and get to a solution. This is how I saw it then. I made no progress at all.
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From 2011 through 2017 I kept working until I got frustrated. Took more breaks than I care to count but I kept trying find some answers. My script was developing.
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I still was not making progress so I went to where the text was. F116r. I learned everything I know now from the back of the book. My first encounter felt like a deception. Then I started noticing things.
The first sample is on f116r seventh star in the first word. There is clearly a "C" at the bottom of the character.
The second sample may be writing error or "4C "
The third sample is showing for different variations of how "C" is used. C then CC double CC connected and lastly CC connected but hyphened
The fourth sample is found on f1v and when I looked up this type of tic mark it refers to keep close or closer , I believe they had agreed to keep it as a character here.
Sample 5 is found on f2v and I looked in reference material from 1928 to present and this what I found :
1. Dictionary fe February
2. Dictionary fe Abbreviation for ferrum or Iron
3. Online fe Latin speaking individuals used fe to refer to the Greek letter Φ Phi
4. Online fe for feta meaning faith or fairy
5. Online fe for fear or fata meaning divine utterance or fate.
Knowing that it is in direct line with the O, and then I would be likely to think “O” is phi
Sample 6 shows "4" then a hinged "CC" showing also the character "4" is independent.
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These were just a few things I noticed, I spent almost two years while working full time and working evenings building a spreadsheet of classic Greek from UC Berkley that had a tutorial and dictation. The spread sheet along with with a Latin dictionary helped me understand the message on f17r. Once I got that message it became clear to me if I was going to understand anything I had to commit myself to know that I no nothing about it. I would stop worrying about the history of the book itself. I wasn't going to even concern myself with the province. I had to let the book teach me. That is the only way for me. Going forward I will simply post replies in order to share not only images but what I have learned.

There is much more to share but I want to keep the posts light. There is much to cover. I will post more soon.
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Re: writing the text for thirteen years

Post by kimdelcastillo »

Once I committed myself, I spent the better part of that time just writing, I have a 42" monitor and it makes it visually easy to see unlike a laptop. I struggled for quite a while, then when I started thinking about the multitude uses of the "C's" I remembered C4 is the human voice on the harmonic scale. Maybe it is only by chance that this was referenced, but maybe it was to say this is a human story. I wasn't sure, but at least I found a source. As I continued to write I noticed upswings and down swings of characters. I started making notes about these changes, But then I saw more. Before I could really get my head into this I began to research history around Spain during that time. Also to really take into consideration if the main scribe didn't articulate among other scribes but trusted individuals, then he wouldn't have had the resources of a standard scribe collective. That would make it even more difficult.

Let's look at outside factors, no electricity, daylight or candlelight only. The state of the church was in chaos. Even as late as 1430 the bishops had named a third pope. At this juncture who knows what had been ran sacked. From the late 1200's all the way through the early 1400's the plague had taken 30-60% of Europe's population and didn't retreat entirely until the 1800's in Europe and rattled Africa until the nineteenth century.
Even with the 100 year war between France and England would make land based supply to be strained. By 1431 France had handed Joan of Arc over to England for execution.

So Faith and Mortality were real struggles. A hoax, women's health... I really doubt it.

I saw one thing that changed my thoughts entirely.
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This means I needed to look at it different still. so I spent some time to look at things a little more diligently. I even got a copy of M.E. D'Imperio The Voynich Manuscript An Elegant Enigma. Even they didn't notice what I noticed. How the characters were written. I grabbed a section of text and look at the places I have marked.
ms text17book.jpg
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These are 4's, P's with L's and in doing so they change how they are used. I went on further and discovered much more.
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And dare not stop here. But I do need to get some things done. I will try to finish this up in the next day or two. Again I will post as a reply because I have even more to share.
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Re: writing the text for thirteen years

Post by kimdelcastillo »

I also worked at the theory of right to left or left to right. I did not have a clear notion of a set text block yet, so I tabulated each end of text on every page and there are 704 end left and 19 are centered and 20 are ended at the right, meaning in total there 743 text blocks. The seven hundred and four would tell me that the text does write left to right. I do find it odd that there an even twenty that end on the left and that is how many characters I have when I found that they were stacking. Then knowing that most older languages had 21 to 24 characters and remembering C4, my only thought was did they use the 'C's" as double use. That would take it to twenty four characters. I still needed more.

I then set out to find where the characters came from. Wikipedia gave some help but I needed a good resource. That's when I found Mr. Richard Vallance Janke. I had originally set out to write a book. Non fiction writers apparently have to have credentials and resources. I have been working for thirteen years on this and if that doesn't give me credentials then I will share this regardless. I am indebted to him and his research because I wouldn't have found everything I needed to make this possible. I need to set the charts I found, and that Mr Janke created in a Jpeg so that I can show you where they came from.
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Then I needed to collect this into something I can deal with. I am an adaptive writer, I can manage everything better when I can write it. Here are the origins of each character used.
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As you can see some of the origins are from before 1450 BC. I have many thoughts about this. First, does the origin of the character define the origin of the original story. Second, How did this scribe know about these almost a thousand years later in the 1400's? Unless this is a copy of the original text encrypted. The reason I still question will come when I get to next part of what I discovered.

This process is somewhat tedious, so please be patient with me, I can't exactly use my fonts to share everything so everything has go in images. Hopefully I can finish this tomorrow.
“Creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones.” —Bruce Garrabrandt

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Re: writing the text for thirteen years

Post by kimdelcastillo »

Having spent so much time on this I have come to an understanding for myself. I can continue to unstack it and write it out and do the counts and then find a true cryptographer to see if they can finish unraveling it. If the text under this cypher is that old, I don't know of too many people that would be able to read it. Here is a photo of all the hand written work I have done.
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The stack on the left is not usable, the stack on the right are the long pages in the back of the book where I learned everything I know. But would like to address something I doubt anyone has considered. If they have been able to dupe millions of people for this long and I pointed out that : F1r, f8r f42r are tailored like signature pages and do not repeat anywhere else. If you look at f116r, the bottom half looks like a preface. It is not metered by stars. The first page of the book has a fire pit and in the second block of text there is smoke... Is anyone actually looking for possible solutions. Just because the book is numbered from the front, they haven't been forthright about anything else. Why would you naturally follow page numbers if smoke leads to fire?

Then let us look at those stars. They use Heptagram , Octagram, Ennigram, and Decagram within those stars, some have tail and some do not and they have ink dots, red dots, clear red full center and red dotted centers. They also meter the text. Rarely are any of the the same stars identical to one before meaning the adjustment of the text is tailored to the corresponding star. That means nine different transitions.

Then let's talk about f86v2. That reference to the four corners of the earth was in revelations in the Bible. Does that sound like a women's health book? In the 1400's there wasn't that type of reverence for women to create such a thing. Tomorrow I will post hand written pages and spreadsheet counts so you can see for yourself.
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Re: writing the text for thirteen years

Post by kimdelcastillo »

Now to address everything else going on. First we will look f8r.
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I did this line by line because there are shifts in how often a character is used. Let's take the "a" character. first two text blocks it is used 1,2,3 times per line and in the fourth text block it spikes to being used seven times. Trying to chase each character became a need to find a pattern. Sometimes a character will spike over 10 or 15 times in a line of text. I would be inclined to think a substitution cypher but I am not a cryptographer. But then you get low ball where every drops. I can only post one more image so I will share the counts of f15r.
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This whole page has a high zero count. Meaning the amount of characters used are relatively low. This type of pattern carries throughout the text. So what I plan on doing from this point forward is to write everything and do the counts and find someplace to store the whole thing in digital format in hopes it can be done correctly. AI is not going to recognize stacked characters. Maybe it can find a solution this way. I started over again from f1r and I am f27r and for each page there will a designated folder with the actual MS page, scanned images of the hand written unstacked pages that correspond to MS page and the digital counts as well as the visual character movement to show shifts. I suspect it will take a few more months to finish but if anyone knows where I can offer these. I would be thankful to have your input.
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Re: writing the text for thirteen years

Post by kimdelcastillo »

Sentence structure.

From writing in the back it was predefined for me.

4pcolpg 4og 8aii/
Most text blocks start with a hinged character. 4p, Lp, 4o but never a hinged c. Most text blocks run two lines of text to six lines of text. By this I mean if you have two full lines, be sure to check the third line as may belong to the previous line. As I will point out not everything is set in stone. I have three examples.
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This page is done very neatly, but I selected to help you see what I do. The next is problem areas. Text modified by diagrams.
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This page has the hallmarks of hinged characters but in fact it is only two text blocks separated by the text itself. My third example magnifies what I wrote about the stared section.
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As far as the baths section or the graph section, I have not studied to this degree yet. I felt I needed to get an idea of the characters and behavior of the text first before addressing things more complex. This way of writing the text seems to be the law as it present in the front as well as the back. I cannot guarantee this as I will continue writing through the book to find the patterns.
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Re: writing the text for thirteen years

Post by kimdelcastillo »

A few additional things I need to address. The first page f1r is Predominant in "a" usage moving through the page it turns to "o" the text then is mainly "o" predominant from writing thirty pages from front and six to eight pages in the back. The characters are being shifted. Not just through each line of text but by page. Below is the first twenty pages. The first section is F1r through f10v the second section is f12r through f20v as folio 11 is missing.
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The shifts look subtle but they are very prevalent. As you can see by the counts from f2v to the counts on f3r the "o" spikes. This occurs with random characters. You will also notice from my learned character set that I retrieved from the counts on f116r in the non metered section that I have now corrected it to the counts of the book as a whole. You will also notice what I refer to as off or low fluctuation of f2v. Even the counts increase when a character spikes.
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I still have to work to correct my layouts on the first thirty pages, but I would like to know where I could share these when I get them all finished, and yes we might be talking about a few months to next year, but I work on it every day.

Please feel free to let me know what you think.
“Creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones.” —Bruce Garrabrandt

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