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Re: D! IV

	EVA does resemble the corresponding Voynich
characters.  Frogguy does so even more.  And Currier
and FSG had quite a bit of resemblance.  

	In all cases, the creators of these alphabets chose
their characters for that very reason, for mnemonic
value, so that they would be easier to remember!!!  Is
that a deep, dark, cosmic mystery?
Ask René and Gabriel, or Frogguy.  

	Maybe I'm wrong, maybe they were visited by an angel.
to think of it, I know Frogguy was:

Date: Mon, 6 Jan 92 09:05:49 EST
From: j.guy@xxxxxxxxx (Jacques Guy)
To: voynich@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Pronounceable Voynich

Hark, O Mortals, the Divine Sound of the Most
Mysterious Language
in the World:

praitusox complam as aclavii istem istesus iclotesusox
cum ples istendus
oxesus iplotas e s cum plavi istclavii istas as*
iclotas iclotas dai
oxusaor istiplus es complavii istedo icloteasus iclot*s
dasavii oxus
revii ecluus eclies oxemeclus iclot*as davii eplavii em
oxais cum itias iclotavii icrotas iprotavii
* edas *us istem icroteus eusdas ist* ox iproteavii
*istus itedus epliteus eclitem iteiclotus ex itus davi
istes plex
davii istex iprotem istedus
davi *ecliedus
* condavi icrotixavii em ox icrotius conclavi isteistus
icrotedam ix
epliste plisteus eclaiui ecliem eplai istedavi
oxiplotus davii
isteus iplotius pledavii icrotus icrotedaumox iclotius
iste endavi do
davi evii item edavii itedavi itdus eplavi d*i iclotus
davii istiplotius iplotes ites istius plem item item
ples item
iste item ist edai plistus plitus des itedavii iste
comite clitius itiplavi istiecristem diordusdo iclotus

And what is this Noble Language called? Why, Voicenich
of course.

How did I do it? I took my skrying glass, and called
upon the
Angels. Neboniel appeared and spake unto me, saying:
thou a dot to indicate the start of each and every
line, where
only a space shews now, and take thou under my
dictation this
translation file which thou shalt use with TRANSLIT.
Call thou
the output file VOYNICH.VOI, and edit it forthwith,
each and every dot with a space."

All of you Dee fans and Kelley diggers, can you figure
out what
Neboniel dictated to me?

(The Angel also suggested an improvement to TRANSLIT)

	I'd like to know what the formula for Voicenich is;
it's the 
best pronounceable Voynichese I've seen.
