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Re: cardboard key
Hi, Claus and Nick! I like this idea for its
novelty. The turning grille cipher is a classic
regular transposition cipher; see Helen Fouché Gaines'
*Cryptanalysis*. However, I've never seen this sort of
application of it.
As Gabriel asked, how does it look for our other
statistical tests, such as the Zipf's Laws?
Also, Claus filled in 80% of the spaces with plaintext
and the remaining 20% with nulls. The 80/20 split is
just what we see with Robert Firth's paradigm; about
80% of Voynitext follows the 24th of Firth paradigm:
About 55-60% of Voynitext fits the Tiltman paradigm, to
be found in D'Imperio's book and at
http://voynich.nu/list.html#quan .
Does the 80% of the text filled in through the turning
grille's spaces fit a paradigm such as Firth's?