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Re: Statistics on copy(-n) --( WARNING: 33k attachment)
22/01/02 09:31:38, "Gabriel Landini" the slave driver wrote:
>This is interesting. Is it possible to get the words themselves, just
curious. I guess that copy(-1) never
>includes "the", but it will score higher in copy(-2) and further.
The hardest part was formatting the output. The results are
below. But please, (copy -1) (copy -2) (copy -3) try to guess
what they are like before you look at the solution below.
(I had guessed right. No complicated, arcane thinking
required, it's all a direct consequence of the properties
of narrative texts. Hint: a list would be different)
Here goes... don't cheat... a few blank lines ought to
dissuade you.
fq(1) = 23
19 words:
and=1 b=1 d=1 do=1 had=4 have=1 her=1 hubbard=1 in=1 it=1
missed=1 oh=1 please=2 s=1 science=1 scientologists=1
scientology=1 stewart=1 winter=1
fq(2) = 206
54 words:
a=6 about=1 act=1 all=1 alsop=1 and=19 as=14 australia=1
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scientology=4 sen=1 she=2 so=2 test=1 that=4 the=36 their=1
they=4 to=27 twenty=1 was=2 we=1 were=1 you=4
fq(3) = 400
74 words:
a=39 an=1 and=16 as=4 at=1 auditor=1 australia=1 baby=1 be=1
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fq(4) = 479
94 words:
a=39 abortion=1 about=1 all=1 and=20 andersen=1 are=6 as=2
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fq(5) = 436
96 words:
a=30 all=3 and=16 arm=1 as=1 auditor=1 australia=1 badges=1
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fq(6) = 433
91 words:
a=38 actions=1 against=1 age=1 all=2 an=1 and=17 answer=1
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fq(7) = 492
115 words:
a=30 abortion=2 about=1 against=3 alice=1 all=1 an=1 and=15
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fq(8) = 464
92 words:
a=32 about=3 against=1 all=2 and=25 anything=2 are=5 as=2
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fq(9) = 473
101 words:
a=35 about=1 against=1 all=2 an=1 and=17 anyone=1 are=2 as=2
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fq(10) = 488
101 words:
a=29 action=1 all=1 am=1 an=1 and=18 anyone=1 are=3 as=1
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fq(11) = 481
100 words:
a=33 about=3 against=2 all=3 and=25 another=1 any=1 are=3
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fq(12) = 450
100 words:
a=23 against=1 all=1 an=2 and=21 are=1 at=1 auditing=1
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fq(13) = 425
91 words:
a=30 am=1 and=16 answering=1 any=1 are=4 as=4 auditor=1
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fq(14) = 415
101 words:
a=27 about=3 ad=1 additional=1 all=1 alsatian=1 an=2 and=20
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fq(15) = 425
92 words:
a=26 about=1 ad=1 africa=1 agrees=1 albuquerque=1 and=21
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fq(16) = 403
92 words:
a=23 ability=1 about=1 all=1 and=17 are=1 auditor=1 be=1
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fq(17) = 463
109 words:
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fq(18) = 454
104 words:
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fq(19) = 444
95 words:
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fq(20) = 416
96 words:
a=28 aberrations=1 all=3 america=1 an=2 and=17 anything=1
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fq(21) = 441
88 words:
a=23 about=1 an=2 and=23 as=1 ask=1 at=2 attempted=1
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fq(22) = 417
89 words:
a=28 abortions=1 about=1 against=1 allegedly=1 also=1 an=1
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fq(23) = 487
101 words:
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to=50 unconscious=1 was=9 we=1 what=1 where=1 will=2 would=1
you=11 your=1
fq(24) = 416
83 words:
a=28 about=2 african=1 all=1 an=1 and=23 are=1 as=4
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fq(25) = 418
94 words:
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