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Re: qokeey (Transition between languages A and B)
No, this is about the stars or 'recipes' section,
ff. 102 - 113 or thereabouts (this is from memory).
First I thought there are two dialects, but one
main difference between about half the pages and
the other half is the occurrence of the 'word'
qokeey which is either very frequent or non-existent.
You are right, aren't you? The pattern is statistically highly significant.
I attach a file analysing the distribution of qokeey in the paragraphs of
folios 103r-116r like this:
page lines paragraphs
103r 54 11011 00040 12211 344
This means that 103r has 54 lines and 18 paragraphs, and that qokeey
occurs once in the first paragraph, once in the second, not at all in
the third etc. There is a rough symmetry between folios on the same
sheet of the quire, but this is hard to quantify.
I would describe the pattern in terms of three distributions:
If a paragraph contains the word qokeey, there is a 38% chance that
the next paragraph will contain the word qokeey.
If a paragraph contains the word qokeey, there is a 40% chance that
qokeey occurs more than once.
If the current word is qokeey, there is a 6% chance that the next
word will be qokeey.
The first two distributions are indicative of a word with a
highly specific content such as a proper name: i.e. a biblical
concordance would show that King David is not mentioned in some
books, while in others he is the subject of whole chapters and
mentioned several times in a verse.
The third distribution is not characteristic of names, is very
characteristic of all the high frequency Voynich words, and is
strong evidence for Currier's view that the words are not
words at all.
I think I will note this on my web site with acknowledgements.
Philip Neal
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page lines paragraphs page lines paragraphs
103r 54 11011 00040 12211 344
103v 44 40010 00311 1000 116r 30 00201 240
104r 45 00000 00000 001 115v 45 01000 00000 000
104v 44 00000 20010 011 115r 44 00000 00010 000
105r 35 21000 00000 000 114v 41 00000 00000 0
105v 38 00000 00000 114r 45 00000 00000 00
106r 47 00000 01000 00000 113v 49 01000 00010 00001
106v 47 00000 00010 01200 113r 51 00100 10000 00000 2
107r 51 00100 00000 00000 0 112v 47 10021 01000 000
107v 49 01020 00010 00134 112r 45 35011 01001
108r 50 02001 00100 01030 1 111v 51 40103 10
108v 51 01032 100(14) 111r 54 2(13)311 1
109r missing 110v missing
109v missing 110r missing
The 'lines' column lists how many lines there are on the page.
The 'paragraphs' column lists the occurrences of 'qokeey' in each paragraph
of the page. I.e. 111v has 51 lines, the first paragraph contains 4
of 'qokeey', the second paragraph none, the third paragraph 1 etc.
Figures for 116r refer only to the stars section, which ends halfway down
'(14)' and '(13)' in the figures for 108v and 111r refer to paragraphs with
14 and 13 occurrences of 'qokeey'.