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FOLDing vms MAP yields cell growth?
hi all :-) feb 19th, 2002
Stranger food for thought?
Question: "a geo MAP! or a Bio/GENO _MAP_(ing)?"
I have 2 pages in my copy-flo of the VMS that I am considering the "MAP"
with the swallow-tailed merlon'd CASTLE - I don't have an official page number
but they are about page f85+++ etc (anyway it's a FOLD-OUT in my copy flo)
Pouring over Maps of Italy and Castle's (and Nick Pellings great work) I
found myself looking for a RIVER that was WEST of Imola and had a short named
Ccity that would fit the folding key.. If I could find THIS CITY within
walking distance or horseback distance in Italy then surely Nick has discovered
the FIRST WORD! (city-NAME) to be broken (decoded) in Voynichese.. Cool :-)
Last night I thought I found IT as if you see the "MAP" left to right and
read top to bottom we see in the VMS 9 circles (or AREAS etc) :-)
A | B | C <-- CASTLE here
| |
_*R_|_______|_____ <-- *R? = RIVER?? (looks like a River? in "A")
| | 'oSaSoe' in the 5/Pipes near it?
D | E | F
| |
G | H | I
<--binding of VMS copy-flo this side
Well, since I was LooKing @ Imola and looking WESTWARDLY of TOWER ( I think I
read that here (the Tower was/is) on the WEST side?).. I went west on a map
of Italy and found "SaSSo" or ?Sasso? - THIS was way cool as it could FOLD
nicely into the A "5/pipes" (see A above) named "oSaSoe"? LOOKS GOOD so far?
Yeh yea - an EXTRA letter (I know - but the FOLDING KEY can ADD or TAKE away
those in writing it!).. anyway... I was pondering "WESTwardly" of the castle
and could Only see LEFT (binded side of the Copyflo) or maybe the BOTTOM of
the folding being [WEST], as the castle TOWER under magnification looks as
though it is viewed from the East? (if Tower is WEST etc..) so, "NORTH" would
then be either TOP or Binding edge (stapled side etc..)
I rotated the copy-flo so the binding or stapled area was UP (away from me)
with the folding coming towards me (as it were). WHY rotate it? well one,
the CENTER READS correctly then in voynichese too etc..
NOW, the "Folding KEY / per ES" makes a Tic.Tac.Toe board of sorts -
do NOT use this to DECODE the FOLDed _writing_ (it's Different!!!!!!!!)
(see below)
With page 85+++ (map) whatever TURNED now, I'm seeing
Left to right - Top to bottom etc..
________________ <---- BINDING (stapled edge of copy flo here)
A | B |*R C <--- RIVER?? is this quadrant now
| |
| |
D | E | F
| |
G | H | I (see IT the river upper right?)
Now, please, hold onto your hats, because I want to show you a little
FOLDING KEY turn around - that will look confusing for the ES newbies, until
you see IT UNfolded (below).. it does however FIT the folding and I must
admit I was surprized to see IT myself! :-) good 'ol ES? !!! :-)
as well as what it "might say???" - thinking "ES" wise anyway.
Anyway - on with the "Folding Key ES (3 3 and 9) theory!!...
as you've noted (or maybe not?) at my website page of How to "FOLD" the KEY
for VMS "http://www.diac.com/~ekwall2/voynich/folding101.shtml" the very LAST
gif (picture) shows the Completed FOLDing... (finished) IT LOOKS LIKE THIS:
C | A | D Jot this down on a little piece of paper?
| | (SIMPLIER to follow below)
| |
H | | E <--ES's Folded KEY placement in a
____|_____|_____ 3 3 of 9 (tic.tac.toe) arrangment
| | _UN_- FOLDED !!!
G | B | F
OK? OK! now with f85+++ MAP? we have _"areas" to LOOK at_ ! :-)
With the copyflo (binder UP!) we can see our Folded "ABCEDFGH"
I will take them one by one (I hope) :-/ I still can't READ it - but here
goes following the ES FLOW etc..
Oh, BEFORE I start - ES said the "CENTER WAS MINE" etc.., while I still
don't know what THAT means, I'm SURE s/he didn't mean MINE literally
as it
were.. it is OURS (as ES said "the TIME IS NOW" "Good for ALL") or, it
is OPEN as the
FOLD doesn't HAVE a CENTER (so to speak).. BUT the CENTER on f85+++ IS
indeed the (END & BEGINNING) here!! NOTE the _Circle in the Center_ is the
LARGEST on the MAP, NOTE also it has LOTS MORE of those "little
circles" /cells?
and much MORE detail then all the others - so what is going on here???
Use ES's folded key (above order) and open your mind from a geograhical MAP
to a different MAP ... The MAP of the SEED(egg) - girl/boy - LIFE/birth as
the scribe might have seen it then?
| | <-- THIS is "eva t" the START (or "A" in ES's ABCDEFGH)
| | The 1st folded KEY!
| |
I won't draw out the rest of the "acsii figures" so just use ABCDEFGH etc..
IN ES's ORDER THEN: (the EIGHT Circles of LIFE/SEED!):
center = LIFE = 9th circle (beginning & end)
[A] A seed from LIFE (center) STARTS! (see no little circles - cells?)
(I don't know, but like the TREE of lIFE, you have to have life to
start your seed etc.. (ha.haa - i mistyped SEED with 'Weed'
but that comes under "C" above :-) &NOTE "A" IS CONNECTED TO CENTER.
[B] LIFE in THE SEED (human I presume? RNA DNA?) has ALL CELLS blotted
out or in Neutral of SEX orientation. (albeit a walled EGG CELL
[C] STARS of LIFE(*) are introduced in the Center of this Circle the CELLS
appear 1/2 Blotted AND 1/2 NOT.. outer "CELLS" divide (not equally?)
and the "WEED?" SEED is Aborted (sigh :-( but NOT connected to the
CENTER of the PAGE of LIFE here - down the TUBE/"pipes?" (as it were)
Miscarriage? ABORTED! the connecting lines to A are a ~warning~ etc..
"RIVER FLOW" (Flow of LIFE) goes this way (right).... to D
can go.. (if not C aborted/menstrated).. "D" shows a clear development
of cells and even INNER & OUTER WALLs !!! This HEALTHY cell is full
of half-moons (weird?) as part of the "abacus" like timing for male
female (rythme) birth control? Anyway if you'll look closely you can
almost see All the Cells Lined up and "PIPING in Blood LIFE?" ready to
(the "Pipes" were Towns above") I hope you hiked/shifted your
open minds to see the independant SEED/Embryo by now here..
If not go back to the TOP (he.heee)
anyway on with the program of circle of life seed?
[E] Now we get a ~curious~ STAR_of_Life but I see it has no CENTER, no
ES dot in the center to say it's MALE etc.. (is this female??)
I wish I knew a "cloning EXPERT" does FEMALE come BEFORE MALE?
DO we ALL START OFF female amd then at the later moments become
MALE ?? any way - by the ES Folding KEY(s) .. we SEE MORE and MORE
CELLS (little circles as it were) - stacked even and puffing out
HEALTH? (Sperm?) Life? for the STAR here - go Cells GO!!! PUFF
PUFF - Squirt/squirt? LIFE, either MALE or FEMALE "IS" CONNECTED
to the LARGER (mother/womb?) CENTER CIRCLE again here.
No SEX determined yet?
ES (scriber'd folding) continues?
[F] Now our "Castle" hummm, ~RATS~ and H*LL, I DON'T KNOW?? !!!!!
My apoligize to Nick if IT is truly "IMOLA ITALY" .. but what about
introducing MAN into this (scribing) ?dnaMAP? I See STARS lots and
LOTS of STARS.. Could these be SPERMs?? (yesterday I saw Roman
aqueducts surrounding the entrance from ES B>F so who knows..:-/
anyway no man is an Island? no Castle? a man's HOME is his Castle??
something like that? MAN is the Idea here IF you can SEE or
~FEEL~ it etc.. MAN is connected to "E" (above) but NOT to CENTER!
So MAN can determine the SEX of "E" etc.. But THAT would mean we need
FEMALE SEX TOO (see Folded G:).. MAN also would need CARS - CASH -
CASTLES - opps wait - sorry - wrong time frame for VMS DUH steve!
anway IF this Theory were to make sense HE, (Man) would need a lot?
well, f85+++ shows a lot of 'garbage' in it's lower left corner now!
STILL ROTATED with Binding UP.
So I can only assume "the GUY" is well to do etc..
Maybe this was done for a male/KING of this CASTLE and Imola will
still be the source for his name etc..
RNA (male/female) DNA (man/woman)
[G] WOMEN ?? finally the WOMAN reappears in the map.. (whew - ha.haaa)
NOTE the G spot (AArrrGGgggggg) I mean NOTE the G circle has BOTH
STARS (upper) and LIFE CELLS Lower.etc. I don't know know women
although I've married a few :-) - but they DO like GARDENS etc..
Are the Forms at 2 oclock (G) garden rows? is the "X" like a XY
factor? either way she WOMAN is "shooting out LOTS and LOTS of
eggs/cells as you see!!!"
[H] Successful MALE BIRTH!
In far uppper-right (rotated MAP) is a sun too.. I think many of these
"conceptions" were done by the MOON cycle (28 days)?
Can anyone here see the growing CELL COUNTS using the FOLD CODE?
Again the CENTER is "ALL or NOTHING" - BOTH the Beginning and/or END..
It's the MOST complex because it if a FULL LIFE Form!
The CENTER "perfume bottles" or containers must contain _something_ that is
achieved after birth? Morals? Conception ability?, Language? eggs?
The 5/TUBES out of D then having the vms word "oSaSoe" mirrored should
likely be "embilcal", "Blood", "Food", "attached?" etc?
I say the whole MAP "FOLDS" nicely into ES ordering
Best to you & yours
steve (MAP's a star-studded BOY program?) ekwall
Male king - *'s, Female = UuUuU CELLs/Egg