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VMs: Re: Yahoo -- VMs -- New mailing list address -- possibly short-term

On Sat, 9 Mar 2002, Don Latham wrote:

> As a very occasional contributor and avid watcher, I think that a Yahoo
> board leaves us vulnerable to even more spam and database correlation
> nonsense.

Are my posts on this issue getting out at all? I honestly suspect they are
not. I have already explained that there is no spam through YahooGroups --
it requires the spammers to register for the group. They don't seem to
want to be bothered with that (nobody's yet written software for the
braindead that does it). As for db correlation, I don't know why you're
paranoid about third parties knowing that you're interested in Voynich,
and you are in fact posting here with something that resembles a Real
Name, but if you're actually paranoid you should be using fake names and
throwaway email addresses anyway. In any case, only list members can see
your email address on Yahoo.

While I am on the issue of spam -- and this Voynich list is my ONLY source
of spam, yet I've never complained! -- I just got a piece of spam through
rand yesterday. Voynich List has left the host a week ago, yet I'm still
getting spam through it?

Let's blast Yahoo for the actual irritants (there is advertising, it's a
Big Business) and not for false ones.

When a system is in harmony with the Tao,
the compiler makes applications and utilities.
When a system goes counter to the Tao,
accounting logs fill the root directory.