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VMs: Yet more about Baresch
Dear all,
below, I enclose the Latin text about Baresch in
Marci's Philosophia Vetus Restituta. It is a
standalone paragraph where he describes that
he discussed a certain topic with Baresch (this
should be related to Fata Morgana, I think) and then
goes ahead to praise him.
We learn that at the time of writing (which could be
1662 but also earlier), Marci knew Baresch already
40 years, i.e. they met in 1622 or earlier. This is
when Jacobus de Tepenec died, and 17 years before
Baresch wrote to Kircher (the letter we still have).
I need to check Marci's CV to know what he was
doing at the time (and more particularly where).
We also learn that Baresch died at the age of
70 (or thereabouts) which puts his birth year at
1592 or earlier, i.e. a bit older than Marci.
Marci inherited his chemical library and also
a collection of sorts.
Also, the M. in M. Georgius Baresch seems to be
some civil title, as it is contrasted to the R.P.
he uses for Santinus. Maybe it means 'Magister'
(cf. Master or MSc).
The reference to Achates means that Marci
considers Baresch a true and faithful friend.
The chapter in question begins with a reference
to Diodorus Siculus and also mentions Pliny.
Cheers, Rene
Johannes Marcus Marci - Philosophia Vetus Restituta
Part 3 (of 5): De statu hominis secundum naturam
Subsectio I: Per chaos mentale multarum rerum notitiam
nobis obvenire
Subsectio II: De spectris aereis qua ratione fiant
(m) qua ratione author ad Philosopham Hermeticam
caepit inclinare; laus M. Georgii Barschii
(l) Confido enim ubi hanc credulitatem & inania
nominum terriculamenta posuerint, suamque
Philosophiam ad lucem naturae ceu Cotem Lydiam
explorarint; non minus facile quam a me factum,
opiniones suas quantumvis inveteratas mutaturos.
(m) Cum enim ante annos 40. familiaritatem iniisem
cum M. Georgio Barschio rerum chymicarum
peritissimo, de quibus colloquia inter nos erant;
coepi acriter obsistere iis, quae ab illo mihi tum
nova & Philosphiae meae minus consentanea
dicebantur. ipse vero magis in operibus naturae,
quam in eiusmodi sophismatis versatus respondavit,
aliter sensurum me, ubi experientia horum
acccesserit. Fuit is deinceps fidus Achates per
totidem annos, vir integer vitae, quam coelibum
duxit usque ad annum 70. moriensque suorum
collectaneorum atque Bibliothecae chymicae
haeredem me reliquit.
(n) Non possum hoc loco silentio praeterire Virum
eximium, doctrina, vitae sanctitate, & meritis in me
clarum R.P. Martinum Santinum soc. Jesu,
quondam in SS. Theologia Professorem meum
honorandum, qui chymiam adeo aversabatur, ut
cum theses meas pro Doctoratu in Medicina....
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