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VMs: Re: Looking for Decipherers
Abrigon Gusiq wrote:
> Is the word REVELATION at the bottom Mr. Hamptons or someone elses?
> Is St. James 80 on the top written by Mr. Hampton?
I presume he did. There is English in clumsy block
English capitals throughout
Hampton's writing; it contrasts with the fluency with
which he wrote Hamptonese.
Is there a book of James in the
> Bible, or one written by him (James)?
Yep, the Letter of James in the New Testament, to be
found after Paul's letters and
the anonymous Letter to the Hebrews. Jesus had a
brother named James; I don't know
whether current thinking says he wrote it or not.
> True the writing might not be a langage at all, but slave marks.. There was some
> used on the Freedom Railroad that told the viewer things.. Sort of like short road
> signs basically. "Safe Place" that only an initiate could read..
I have a book on this, Hidden in Plain View by Tobin
and Dobard. This shows
how maps of the Underground Railroad were hidden in
quilts. The signs bear no resemblance
to Hamptonese. In fact Hamptonese is completely
unique. So far I know of no precedents
for it.
> A number of the marks on the examples
> http://www.geocities.com/ctesibos/hampton/image/hpt90.jpg
> Are repetative. So either they are the same symbol or ..
Many Hamptonese symbols are repetitive; as many as
four strokes may constitute
a single Hamptonese letter.
> Anyone done any field work to where Mr. Hampton came from, to see if there maybe
> others who know what he was writing?
Hampton was from Elloree, South Carolina. Don't know
if there are any others
who know his writing. An expert has assured me that in
Elloree there is a tradition among the
blacks of decorating graves with tinfoil and light
bulbs, so Hampton's Throne has at least
that precedent.
> Could be he was just schitzophrenic and delustional.. Not uncommon in a person who
> starts "talking" to God..
I don't know of any cases of schizophrenics who have
created a language like
Hamptonese. People often ask about this, but I've yet
to see any examples. If anyone has further info on
this, I'd sure like to hear it. As I say on my
website, I think Hamptonese is an idiolect
like Helene Smith's "Martian".
> Seen like marks from scripts in Polynesia.
Could you point me to some examples?