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VMs: Re: Mediaeval book written entirely in cipher
Hi everyone,
The BL's copy is at Boston Spa, so I won't be able to see that for a few
days. :-( However, the Warburg Institute has four (count them!)
books/articles on Giovanni Fontana (shelfmark DFC 47):-
Le macchine cifrate di Giovanni Fontana : con la riproduzione del Cod.
icon. 242 della Bayerische Staatsbibliothek di Monaco di Baviera e la
decrittazione di esso e del Cod. lat. nouv. acq. 635 della Bibliothèque
nationale di Parigi ; Eugenio Battisti, Giuseppa Saccaro Battisti
Zur Lebensgeschichte und wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit von Giovanni Fontana
: <1395?-1455?>. Birkenmajer, Aleksander. Offprint from: Isis. 17. 1932
Der "Liber instrumentorum" des Giovanni Fontana . Hülsen, Christian,
1858-1935. Offprint from: Festgabe für Hugo Blümner. 1914.
The life and works of Giovanni Fontana. Clagett, Marshall, 1916-. Offprint
from: Annali dell'Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze. 1. 1976.
Luckily I have a Warburg readers card, so I now have a new destination for
tomorrow morning...
Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....