Now that I am somewhat resigned to identifying partial matches between the plant drawings in the VMs and the flora that we find in nature, I plan to examine the individual components of the plants with a jaundiced eye and will offer matches I would not normally prefer to suggest. At any point where a more likely match is later determined I will recommend a replacement, enhancement, and/or upgrade to the new identification. It is not uncommon, I believe, for herbal illustrations to be quite a bit removed from the actual plants as they occur in nature. With this in mind, I will proffer an identification of the plant drawing in f20v as a possible match to Silybum marianum, otherwise known as Milk Thistle. There are compelling reasons why this match is so attractive, though they may be more personal than practical. One can immediately see that the leaves of Milk Thistle leave much to be desired as a true match to the drawing in VMs; however, knowing the growth pattern of the plant, examples can be found that look promising. It strikes me that the f20v herbal drawing in the VMs is that of a young plant, not yet fully blossomed. So if you will indulge a certain amount of scientific license, I would like to start with this match to Silybum marianum. Photos: Description: Virgin Mary's Garden: Spanish: Portuguese: German: Illustrations: Medical: Regards, Dana Scott