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Re: VMs: new revelations

Nick Pelling wrote:

> Physical evidence on early ms sold by Voynich may already have been
> established... having a list of these (and their purchasers) would be an
> interesting exercise... :-o

Jim Reeds lists the following item in his bibliography:

   Times [Newspaper of London]. ``Cathedral Library Thefts: Old 
   Volumes Traced.'' 11 May 1916, p 4 col 1. [Disputed ownership 
   of book in WMV's possession. Not seen.] 

There are also 3 obituaries:

   Times [Newspaper of London]. ``Mr. W. M. Voynich.'' 22 Mar 1930, 
   p 17 col 2; 25 Mar p 21 col 2; 26 Mar p 18 col 4. [Obituary. Not

which indicates that Voynich died shortly before 22 Mar 1930
- but if you happen to visit the BL, checking them for
the exact date would be appreciated (as a genealogist, I feel
uncomfortable without that date!).

> >    S.M. Stepniak-Kravchinskii: The London Years
> >    (Russian Biography Series, No 33)
> >    by Donald Senese

> The BL has two copies, but I probably won't get in to see either for a
> couple of weeks :-(

> >    Trust No One: The Secret World of Sidney Reilly
> >    by Richard B. Spence

> The BL appears not to have a copy of this yet, but as it's only been out a
> month in the US, that's probably not entirely surprising. :-/

Maybe they will get it in a couple of weeks? :-)

Best regards,

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