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VMs: Old and new revelations

Dear all,

in order to avoid that everybody gets too
confused by the wealth of circumstantial evidence
in favour of a 'conspiracy theory', I would like
to point out a major problem against it.

And this is immediately evident to those who have been
to the Beinecke library and had a chance to browse
through the material left behind by the Voyniches
and Miss Nill. It is really true that they have
spent a considerable amount of time collecting
information about the MS. WMV concentrated more
on the origin of the MS and ELV on the contents.

The sheer mass of letters, handwritten notebooks,
etc. left behind give a very clear picture. It must
have taken years of their lives. The contents
of the early correspondence of Voynich also show
a clear picture of ignorance and need for 

If the VMs is a modern (19th-C) fake, it is 
completely unrealistic to think that Voynich was
aware of it.

With kind regards,

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