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Re: VMs: Voynich biographical information

Rene Zandbergen wrote:

> I did not see the previous C.V. you posted about
> Wilfrid and which you removed because you found
> new information. In light of the above, it might
> still be interesting to provide the 'different sides'
> of the story and the original text will still
> have its interest.

I have put it back and made a link to it from the page
with the photograph. 


The info on ELV should be basically correct - but
there are many details in both biographies that I now
know to be incorrect. 

It seems I have opened a sack with information and it keeps
flowing through the doors and the windows. I am really
fascinated with their biographies! I have always treated
Voynich's revolutionary past with suspicion - but now he
seems to have been a real "working class hero"!

Best regards,

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