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Re: VMs: Voynich biographical information
On Friday 03 Jan 2003 8:05 pm, Rafal T. Prinke wrote:
> I have put it back and made a link to it from the page
> with the photograph.
> http://hum.amu.edu.pl/~rafalp/HERM/VMS/biografie.html
You mentioned:
It was first presented to the public in 1915 in Chicago [Bulletin of the Art
Institute of Chicago, IX, 1915, p.100].
In Jim R's bibliography, there are also other items on the VMS that year.
Were these published before the one above? (not that this is too important).
"Art Works Worth $1,500,000 Arrive to Escape War." Chicago Daily Tribune. 9
Oct 1915, p 1, Col 2. [Exhibit of WMV's books at the Art Institute of Chicago
which includes "a work by Roger Bacon in cipher to which the key has never
been discovered." Not seen.].
*Antique Books Worth $500,000." Chicago Sunday Tribune. 10 Oct 1915, sec II, p
1, col 5. [Exhibit of WMV's books at the Art Institute of Chicago. A few
paragraphs describe the VMS. "The manuscript is from the hand of Roger
Bacon... was bought by Emperor Rudolf... and at the end of the sixteenth
century passed into the hands of King Ferdinand of Bohemia." Not seen.]
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