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Re: VMs: Nice intro on www.voynich.net

--- Jim Gillogly <jim@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> >Wasn't it suspected that this was due to an
> >oversight of X, who presented a perhaps incomplete
> >list of missing pages (where X could be Newbold
> >or perhaps Manly)?
> There was indeed a suggestion that this was an
> oversight, but this is
> untenable.  Newbold is very careful and explicit in
> identifying the folios
> in each section.  [...] I think
> there was one side of text only, and the rest
> included pictures.

Absolutely fascinating... something else to look for.

> I wonder whether there's anything in Miss Anne M.
> Niss's letters
> (either in the Beinecke or in the possession of
> Wilfrid Gaye (who
> I conjecture is her son)) that would indicate that
> they sent some of
> the actual folios to someone else for testing.

Wilfrid (or his wife) seems to have separated
their belongings clearly. Everything related to
the Voynich in Beinecke. Material related
to his Russian/Polish connections in the Grolier 
Club and something else (TBD) in London. But 
until someone has looked, we won't know.
The mother of Wilfrid Gaye is perhaps not Anne
Nill. The people who researched for the BBC
programme sent a request to a gyneaology
website about the Voyniches and their daughter
Winnifred. It is still visible. 
I asked the most likely person who may have sent
this, recently, and am waiting for a reply.  

There is certainly a _lot_ of correspondence in
the Beinecke about VMs research which probably
nobody has read yet. They are partly sorted by
correspondent. I guess there is of the order of
serveral hundreds to one thousand (?) sheets of
paper there.

Cheers, Rene

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