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Re: VMs: Re: Contacting Wilfrid Gaye...?

Hi everyone,

I've just had a nice chat with Wilfrid Gaye on the phone: his mother Winifred (who has since passed away) brought him up in the UK, but without significant contact with WMV and ELV (who were in any case based in the US).

Following on from Wilfrid's recent post to the BBC4 message forum, he has since gone back to check his papers (today, spookily enough), only to find that - as Rafal suspected - the manuscript smuggled out of Russia *was* the one in 1889 for Stepniak, and *not* the VMS. He said he would shortly be posting a follow-up on the same BBC4 forum to confirm this.

Also: though Rafal asserted that 1889 was "before she met Wilfryd", Wilfrid Gaye believed that the pair had met before then, though it's true they married after that date.

I'll be passing what information I have on the documents WMV left behind to Mr Gaye: he certainly seemed interested, and perhaps this might help open some related avenues in the future.

Hope this resolves at least some of the questions!

Best regards, .....Nick Pelling.....

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