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VMs: Attn: VMs IS Welsh

Oops! Sorry, accidently sent it before fully typed.
This is in response to G. Landini's  statement in Re: VMs:Random Text Generation: "Try to prove that vms was written in Welsh"


I did research into the VMs over 8 years ago, using Welsh as a basis of attack on the underlying language of the manuscript, and was able to translate a fair amount of words on two (short) pages (over 10% actually). Copies of my findings were sent to Yale, and also to Jim Reeds.
Unfortunately, further translations are beyond my means at this time, mainly due to not having access to comprehensive glossaries of Early Welsh. (Most of the words in the VMs no longer 'exist' in current usage.)
If you want proof, it will take some time, as I will have to update my findings to electronic media. (Or have Reeds fax you the copy I sent him.  If he still has it...)
