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VMs: Re: VMs IS Welsh
Very Interesting.
I would love to see something further on this.
Does Jim Reeds still have the documents and can they be scanned?
>===== Original Message From MrTim1000@xxxxxxx =====
>Oops! Sorry, accidently sent it before fully typed.
> Hi!
> This is in response to G. Landini's statement in Re: VMs:Random Text
>Generation: "Try to prove that vms was written in Welsh"
> I did research into the VMs over 8 years ago, using Welsh as a basis of
>attack on the underlying language of the manuscript, and was able to
>translate a fair amount of words on two (short) pages (over 10% actually).
>Copies of my findings were sent to Yale, and also to Jim Reeds.
> Unfortunately, further translations are beyond my means at this time, mainly
>due to not having access to comprehensive glossaries of Early Welsh. (Most of
>the words in the VMs no longer 'exist' in current usage.)
> If you want proof, it will take some time, as I will have to update my
>findings to electronic media. (Or have Reeds fax you the copy I sent him. If
>he still has it...)
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