I found a page that shows the change in calendar that I was speaking
of. 10 days were added to the calendar (different countries adopted this
at different times as they adopted the Gregorian Calendar) see http://www.geocities.com/calendopaedia/gregory.htm
The difference between 17 Dec and 30 Dec is 12 days, but it does not rule
it out either - look at Spain in the chart noted above....12 days!
And if this was a prediction instead of noting a historical (or present)
event, 2 days off is not bad.
****************************** Larry Roux Syracuse University lroux@xxxxxxx ******************************* >>> lroux@xxxxxxx 01/24/03 12:27AM >>> This seems very promising! Question: Starry night probably gives today's calendar dates for objects. What would the date have been at that time? There were days added in the 1600s (at least in France) I believe. Can anyone find that info? I ask because the "line" from the Moon to the Pleiades has text below it. Could it be a date? oa = 17 - could the rest be December? If so.....HERE IS AN IDEA Let's the star IS Aldebaran in f68r3. Assuming a straight Letter by Letter replacement strategy let's say 8 c? o l 8 a y Al de b o al a n or something like that. Then the string below the line could be oa l c?eol 17 o de?bo (17 of December?) And the Pleides something like 8 o?ro Al b??l Darn, I was just about to go to bed!!!!! ****************************** Larry Roux Syracuse University lroux@xxxxxxx ******************************* >>> rteague@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 01/23/03 22:55 PM >>> Using the number-letter correspondences on f49v has proven to be invaluable to translating the astronomical diagrams. EVA <okol> translates as 1615, and is found in three places on f68r2: the fourth word in the third line of text across the top; by the Moon's right eye, and by the planet's right eye. It is also found above the Moon's right eye on f68r3. Examination of the night sky of that year has revealed that f68r2 depicts a Moon/Saturn alignment on 30 December 1615. f68r3 shows the Moon in relationship to the Pleiades on that same night. In contrast to my earlier statements, the star behind the Pleiades IS Aldebaran, and the wavy line connecting the Moon to the cluster means that it WILL occult them the next night. Saturn is in Pisces, and the Moon in Aries. Somebody versed in astrology might want to check this. I have made a jpeg with lables for those interested. The success of using the numbers in finding the depicted astronomical events on the above and other folios provides strong evidence that we now have a partial list of Voynichese numbers: # EVA 0 f? 1 o 2 r 3 y 4 e 5 ' l 6 t 7 s a 8 ? 9 ? Characters for 0, 8, and 9 have so far proven elusive. In addition, we now have labels for the Pleiades and Aldebaran. NOTE: Allen's "Star Names" does not give a five-letter name for the Pleiades with the 2nd and 5th letters identical. Robert ______________________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe, send mail to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx with a body saying: unsubscribe vms-list ______________________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe, send mail to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx with a body saying: unsubscribe vms-list |