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Re: VMs: Notes on f69r

Robert:  Check out f76r as well...it appears that certain paragraphs are numbered.

Larry Roux
Syracuse University
>>> rteague@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 01/26/03 11:23 AM >>>
Larry Roux wrote:

> I was looking at f69r and thinking that maybe the "numbers" in the center
are in order.  That would
> make it
> o 8 y g? s l
> 1 2 3 4  5 6

By an odd coincidence, I was studying f69r this morning.
Yes, the letters around the center do seem to be numbers. I
make them (clockwise from EVA < o >:

o,  l,  s, ?, e, d
1, 5, 7, ?, 4, 8

That 4th one I just can't make out. There are a couple of similar
letters in the EVA alphabet, but nothing exact (that I saw).

This folio may also have helped fill in two of the missing numbers.
If you start from the odd line at the 2 o'clock position and go
clockwise, you can pick out a stand-alone letter in each line
that goes:

o,  r, y, ?,  l,  k, s, d, ch
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

I might just be seeing what I want to (easy to do with the Voynich : ) ),
but I hope not. Let me know what you think.

> Can you check December of 1416 for the Pleiades/Aldabran/Moon combo you
were looking at originally in 1615?
> Just a hunch.

Sure. Just a second...

No match. No planet is in the right position, nor does
the Moon occult the Pleiades.


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