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VMs: Re: The VMS "alphabet" and some other issues...


Robert Teague wrote

>What struck me was a similarity to Tolkien's Feanoran letters.

To my knowledge Tolkien knew of the Voynich MS - he was
sufficiently interested in it to pass a photostat (of f86v) to a mutual
friend who showed it to me. (Mentioned on this list about last
October I think.) I have been working on similarities with some of
Tolkien's scripts but have really got no further than "it looks a bit like
it". Possibly Tolkien was influenced, consciously or unconsciously,
by the VMS. Unfortunately the Tolkien Estate were not being very
friendly when a friend, of better professional standing than I for this
sort of thing, made initial enquiries regarding the mass of unpublished
Tolkien Papers. Presumably the estate is extremely aware of the
commercial angle. Some aspects of Tolkien's published pictures and
drawings also have a vaguely vms sort of look  He was interested in
everything and would certainly have considered the VMS curious but
it was far from his own subject and I am inclined to think that the
connection is merely casual and will get us no further. But I'll go on
pursuing this angle as best I can.......

BTW - in case of any problems, I am mirroring my oddments of
voynich postings at Demon also to



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