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RE: VMs: Astronomical Notes, Comments, and Replies

>> I figure that all of the months for which we have
>> sheets  contain 30 days.
>Yes, but note that they should not be days but 

Duh!  Why didn't I catch that one! Thanks for the catch

>> If this truly is a horoscope, perhaps
>> that one day is the birthdate of the person.

>In that is the case, the VMs was written by George
>of Trebizond after all :-) He lived in the 
>15th C., in N.Italy, was familiar with all Greek
>philosophical (i.e. scientific) works, worked in
>diplomatic circles, and was quite mad in his
>older days, both by modern and contemporary 
>standards :-).
>He used to lament the fact that he was born under
>the sign of Pisces.

This reminds me of a TV mystery.  Lots of pieces that seem to fit
together and then something else comes along to point somewhere else.  I
guess we can't rule out any suspects at this point!

Larry Roux
Syracuse University
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