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Re: VMs: Translation Attempt

--- Robert Teague <rteague@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

< [...] I was about to post my attempt
> at assigning some letter values.
> [...]
> It looks like gibberish to me, but maybe somebody
> will recognize it:
> ---r- ar- -u----- r-aur r--s a-r--rt-s r-aur-s
> -as stuur-s -a sts rtuu-- -aur--- artuus -r-r---
> -r-r- r-art rtar- 1615 -uur- ar-as --ta---
> ar- a--s r--- ----s --ur- -t-r- aur-- -ar---
> taurus aur-s                ---- st--s astas


the above does look recognisable as the result of
a single-substitution exercise on Voynich MS
text. Past entropy studies have shown that
the result of a single substitution will never
look like plain language, for any known European
language. It may, at best, look like very repetitive
gibberish. In the above, you have filled more than
half the text with only 5 letters. 

To see this work, it is useful to simply take
a whole page of VMs text and try out various
single substitutions, taking into account what are
likely vowels/consonants, and character frequency
distributions from known languages. 

You might also want to read what Brumbaught has 
written about the Zodiac labels. He had a substitution
method where for each VMs character he could freely
pick one of three plaintext characters.
He still could not get any meaningful pleaintext
with this amount of freedom.

Don't let this throw you off though, it is just
the beginning of the 'fun' :-)

Cheers, Rene

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