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RE: VMs: Entropy, was WAR against EVA


I know this a rather basic question, but I am a beginner.  Are these
letter to character correlations entirely arbitrary?


Word Count:
qokaiin	=	9	qoilaiin=	9
ar	=	8	ar	=	8
aiin	=	7	aiin	=	7
chol	=	7	eiol	=	7
okar	=	7	oilar	=	7
daiin	=	6	daiin	=	6
chedy	=	5	eiedy	=	5
chey	=	5	eiey	=	5
ol	=	5	ol	=	5
or	=	5	or	=	5
char	=	4	eiar	=	4
cheol	=	4	eieol	=	4
l	=	4	l	=	4
lkaiin	=	4	lilaiin	=	4
otaiin	=	4	oqlaiin	=	4
qodaiin	=	4	qodaiin	=	4
qokal	=	4	qoilal	=	4

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